How to get your body into Fat burning mode

How to get your body into Fat burning mode!


Did you know your body can burn CARBS or FAT for energy?  The Western Diet, is designed to promote the intake of CARBS for so called energy.  Some CARBS are good such as from vegetables, but the CARBS from sugars and breads are bad for you due to overconsumption, manufacturing processing methods, and genetic modification.  These CARBS gets converted into glucose and are stored as FAT around your tummy, thighs, back side, etc.  But there is something you can do to change this.

You want to get your body into FAT burning mode.  Your body can switch its primary energy source from glucose and burn FATS just by reducing the number of CARBS you eat.  Remember exercise is only 20% of the solution, diet is the 80%.  So CARDIO exercises are not a major factor reducing bad carbs is the solution.  When you are primarily burning FATS it’s called Ketosis and this is  good thing.

Hear is how your body’s machine works…. As we eat food, our bodies convert CARBS into glucose. This glucose is used for energy.  But you can only deal with so much glucose and once you reach that limit.   The body produced the hormone Insulin to convert the extra glucose into FAT for storage (energy later).    Did you miss it?  Yes, this is the cause of obesity – high insulin to convert the extra glucose into FAT for storage.   And with a high carb diet (Bagels, Pasta, Potatoes, etc), the diet actually promotes your body producing more insulin thus causing Obesity.

Our bodies are amazing, they are actually capable of burning FATS and Glucose.  Your can shift your bodies primary energy source from Glucose to FATS just by reducing the number of CARBS you eat.  This puts you in what is called Ketosis or Fat burning.   To start, reduce the number of carbs you eat to under 100g per day.  More is better, but start with under 100g.

Once in ketosis, you will discover energy and weight loss.  I’ve been eating this way for years, and this past year I moved to a nutrition diet focused on staying in ketosis and it’s health benefits.  Also this is a huge benefit for diabetics (more on that later).

Ketosis is good, and their is a strong causation relationship between CARBS and obesity.  This is not just my opinion research for yourself:

  1. WikiPedia:
  2. Dr. Fung on Obesity:
  3. The Diet Doctor:


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